Renaissance Theatres

Caption: picture taken inside the Globe in 2003

It's a fine afternoon, especially since we've finished our work early for the day - a perfect time to visit the playhouse.

That's one of the good things about living here on the bank of the Thames. We have entertainment now. Great stories by Shakespeare and the like, acted out in our grand new theatre for all who can pay a penny.

Being in the building trades myself, I take notice of the playhouse and how it's constructed as well as the play going on inside. This one is around 30 feet high. At first glance, it appears nearly round, but looks can be deceiving. In reality, it's made of maybe 20 straight sides. It's tall for a reason, too, not just for a grand look. Inside the playhouse, there are three floors of seats - for the ladies and gents who care to pay to sit down.

The floor, known as the pit, is where we stand. Why waste your money just to sit down! Here we can watch the show up close and enjoy the treats we've brought along, such as nuts or fruit. Up close like this, we can let the actors know what we think of their performance, too. Mostly, they put on a good show, because they know we'll not hold back.

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