Roland Smith: A Writer's Journey

Ever since Roland Smith was a young boy, he dreamed of becoming a writer. He has always loved books. He even loved them before he knew how to read. As a young boy, he would often go into his parents' library. He didn't go there to read, though. He went there because he loved the way that the books smelled. There was just something about that smell! He thought it was wonderful.

When Roland Smith was five years old, his parents gave him a wonderful gift. It was an old typewriter. It was big and heavy. It weighed more than he did! Still, it was the one thing that he treasured above all else. He would spend hours in his room typing away. He loved hearing the noise that the keys made as they struck the paper. He loved seeing the letters appear on the crisp, white paper.

Growing up, Roland Smith's goals never changed. He still wanted to be a writer. When he started college, he majored in English. While in school, he needed a part-time job. He saw an ad for a job at the children's zoo in Portland, Oregon, where he was going to school. He thought that working at a zoo might give him some good ideas for his writing. He got the job, having no idea just how much his life was about to change!

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