
"Class, we're going outside today," Mrs. Davis announced.

"Yay! Thank you, Mrs. Davis!" the class cheered.

Mrs. Davis took the class outside the school to the deserted playground. "You may go play," she told them with a smile.

After about ten minutes, students began returning to where Mrs. Davis waited in the shade of a large tree. "It's hot out here," Kevin complained.

The group of students gathered around agreed with Kevin. "Yeah, it's too hot out here, Mrs. Davis."

"Well, how would you like something nice and cold to drink?" asked Mrs. Davis.

"Yeah!" the class shouted enthusiastically.

Mrs. Davis turned around and waved her arm to someone out in the parking lot. A pickup started its engine and drove over to Mrs. Davis and her class. "Hi, kids," the driver said, getting out of the truck.

"Hi, Mr. Davis," said Kevin. "Did you bring us something to drink?"

"Yes, I did," replied Mr. Davis. He began to unload four large insulated drink dispensers. He put them on the picnic table under the shade tree. Mrs. Davis went to the pickup and got a bag of drinking glasses out.

She blew her whistle to call all the children to come to her. After everyone gathered around, she said, "Class, Mr. Davis has brought us some nice cold lemonade to drink. What do we tell him?"

"Thank you!" said the class.

"You may line up and help yourselves to a nice, cold drink," said Mrs. Davis. "It looks like there will be plenty for everyone, so please take all you want." She began handing out drinking glasses for everyone. The glasses were very large.

The first person in line was Kevin. He was hot and thirsty. "Can I have two glasses, Mrs. Davis?" he asked.

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