
It's kind of like skiing but without the poles. It's sort of like surfing but without the ocean. It's a lot like skateboarding but without the wheels. It's snowboarding. It is a very popular Winter Olympic sport.

Snowboarding has been a part of the Olympics since 1998. Since then, fans have watched "boarders" do crazy tricks and twists on a u-shaped ramp. It is called a half-pipe. In this event, athletes board up one side of the ramp. Then they do tricks while in the air. Finally, they snowboard down the ramp and up the other side. After boarding back and forth, the athletes receive a score. Boarders can earn points for two things. They can earn points for height. They can also earn points for style.

In 2002 a new snowboarding event was added. It is the parallel giant slalom. In this event, two boarders race each other down a snowy hill. They must tightly weave back and forth through many gates. They also have to try to win the race. The fastest boarder from each event moves on to the next round. Finally, only one athlete remains. He or she is the gold medal winner!

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