
Soil is an important natural resource. It is made from broken up pieces of rock and sand, dead leaves and grass, tree limbs, and the bodies of living things that have died. After a living thing dies, its body breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces. It eventually becomes a part of the soil. Air and water are important parts of soil, too. Weather helps make soil. Rocks get bigger when the weather is hot. They get smaller when the weather is cold. This process can make rocks break into smaller pieces. When they get small enough, they become part of the soil. Rain and ice also help break rock into smaller pieces. Soil has different layers. The layers are named O, A, B, and C. The O layer is the top layer. It is where the plant and animal matter (like dead leaves and bugs) breaks down. The A layer has roots, worms, and other very small living things. The B layer is very hard. Not much lives in the B layer. The C .....

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