States of Matter

Matter is all around us. It makes up the air we breathe. It makes up our food, our homes, and our pets. Even our bodies are made of matter. If you look closely at the human body, you will see many different kinds of matter. In all of our bodies, you will find hard bones. You will find soft tissues. Blood flows through our veins. Air fills our lungs. In our bodies you will find all three of the main states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.

Solid matter always keeps the same shape. It always takes up the same amount of space. Some solids are hard. Other solids are soft. Metal, rubber, and feathers are all solids. In your body, bones and fingernails are solid matter.

Liquid matter always takes the shape of its container. Liquids do not have a shape of their own. Like solids, liquid matter always takes up the same amount of space. In your body, the blood running through your veins is a liquid. It takes the shape of your blood vessels, large and small. The water that you drink is also a liquid. It goes to many places in your body to keep it running smoothly.

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