Strategies for Effective Reading - While You Read

By now you have probably heard about active reading. But you may be a little unsure of how to do it. Are you supposed to read while you Rollerblade? That would be dangerous! So, how do you read actively? There are many strategies that are easy to follow.

One active reading strategy you might have heard about is called KWL. The "K" stands for what you KNOW about the topic. The "W" stands for what you WANT to learn about the topic. The "L" stands for what you LEARNED about the subject.

The "K" and the "W" parts of this strategy are done during pre-reading. The "L" is a strategy you can use while you are reading. You can easily make your own KWL chart. All you need is a piece of paper divided into three columns. Mark "K" at the top of the first column, "W" at the top of the middle column, and "L" at the top of the third column.

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