Summer Movie Spectacular, Part 1

"I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille," said Gabe in a high, falsetto voice, batting his eyelashes and tucking his hands under his chin.

"Gabe!" Eric shouted. Then he started to laugh. "We'll never get this going if you can't stop being so silly."

Eric sighed dramatically, and he carefully attached his new digital video camera to the tripod. The camera was so small that it looked a little bit silly on the heavy tripod, but he wanted to be sure his panning shot was steady.

"Okay, Gabe and Miguel, do you know what we're doing?"

Both boys nodded. "You sure are lucky," said Miguel. "There is no way my dad would get me a new camera and a computer program to edit video."

"I guess he was feeling guilty for having to be away for a month," said Eric. "But I don't mind too much. Grandma's pretty cool. She's staying in the guest room. We're having a good time together."

"Whatever the reason he got it for you, you're still lucky, man," said Gabe. "I can't imagine my grandma being cool."

"Maybe you just haven't seen her in the right circumstance," said Eric. "She might surprise you."

"Nah," said Gabe, shaking his head. "You ain't never met my grandmother."

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