Summer Treasure, Part 1

"Mom, Indiana Jones says that X never marks the spot!" exclaimed Jim. "You put an X here on the map."

"Well, in this case it definitely does," Mom said with a smile.

"Okay, so what is it we are supposed to do?" asked Jim.

"You said you didn't have anything to do since school was out. I have a suggestion. I made this map to help you find the treasure I have hidden. All you have to do is figure out the answers to the clues and follow the map. You and your sister can work together to find it."

"Aw, Mom, I don't want to have to drag her around with me. I was going to get Mark to help me," said Jim with a frown.

"Well, I don't think you should leave Sandy out of the fun; besides, she could be a big help," said Mom.

Jim, still frowning, said, "How can she help? She is just a kid."

Mom laughed out loud. "And what are you, mister smarty pants?"

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