Summer Treasure, Part 2

It took the kids some time to follow the clues, and after spending most of the afternoon running around the yard, they finally came into the kitchen and slumped into a chair.

"We found almost all of the clues," said Jim. "But we are tired and need a drink."

"I have some fresh iced tea," said Mom as she poured each of them a glass. "What is your last clue?"

"It says, 'He roars in the jungle but sits still on guard.' I don't know what it means," said Jim.

"I'm stumped, too," said Sandy. "Could we have another clue?"

"Sure," said Mom. "It sounds to me like it would be an animal of some kind. What do you think would roar in the jungle?"

"A lion, maybe, or a bear, I don't know," said Jim with a tired sigh.

"Bears don't live in the jungle," said Sandy.

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