Summer in the Sand

James had been looking forward to his new sandbox for several weeks. His parents had told him that if he finished his schoolwork and did a good job, they would see about building a great sandbox for him and his friends to play in all summer. Now James's dad had just put the final touches on the new sandbox.

Dad built it in the backyard under the two big oak trees. There would be lots of shade there. It had wooden sides and benches on either end for the boys to sit on as they built cities in the sand.

"Where do we get the sand?" asked James. "Can I go with you to get it? We are going to need a lot of sand, aren't we, Dad?'

"Wow, son, you are full of questions, aren't you?" Dad said with a smile. "I guess you are excited about your new sandbox."

"I've been waiting forever for this. I can't wait to have David and John over to help me build some really neat things in the sand," said James.

"Well, you worked hard this last year in school. I'm proud of you. Now let's go get some sand."

James walked to the back of the landscape supply store with his dad. "They sure do have a lot of rocks and stones," said James. "Look at these over here. Aren't they pretty? I don't think I have ever seen rocks that color."

"Yes, they are interesting. Rocks come in so many different colors," said Dad.

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