
In America, there are all kinds of land. There are grasslands, beaches, mountains, and deserts. Each type has its own special features. Different people like different features. Some people like living on the beach. Some people like living in the mountains. Some people even like living in the desert. There are even people who like living in swamps!

A swamp is a piece of land usually covered with water that lies near a river, lake, or ocean. Most of its plant life consists of trees. The water in a swamp is very slow moving if it moves at all. The land around the water is very wet and muddy. Swamps are so wet and muddy that most of them are uninhabited except for the many animals that call them home.

For many years, swamps were seen as bad things. Many people were afraid of the kinds of animals -like snakes and alligators - that live in swamps. Many ghost stories and tales of strange monsters were told about the swamps.

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