The Best Sport

There are many different kinds of sports. There are sports you can play by yourself, like golf, bowling, fishing, and swimming. There are sports you play with one other person, like tennis and ping pong. There are sports you play with a team, like football, kickball, soccer, baseball, volleyball, and rugby. There are so many different sports that it is hard to count them.

Each sport has its own equipment. For bowling, you will need bowling shoes and a bowling ball. If you play golf, you will need golf shoes and golf clubs. For tennis, you will use a racquet and tennis balls. Your shoes will be different, too. Football players have uniforms and helmets and play with a funny-shaped ball. They wear shoes with cleats on them.

There are contact sports and non-contact sports. In contact sports, the players may run into each other on purpose or by accident. Football is a contact sport. Ice hockey is a contact sport, too. Sometimes contact sports can be very rough. In non-contact sports, players aren't supposed to touch each other. It can happen by accident, though. Bowling and tennis are non-contact sports.

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