The Hiding Place, Part 1

John and Miguel hid under a tight bunch of shrubs near a trickling creek. They were pretending to be Ranger scouts.

Two days before, their fathers had taken a wagon to make the two week trip for supplies to the nearest trading post. While their fathers were away, their mothers seemed to find a lot of extra work for them to do. Escaping to the creek gave them some respite.

"After all," said John, "with our fathers gone, we're the men around here."

"What plan should we make in case of an Indian attack?" asked Miguel.

"You think it will happen?" asked John. A worried crease formed on his forehead.

Miguel shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. My father thought it might happen. He didn't want to go, but we needed supplies."

"I wish we could be like one of Austin's Rangers," said John.

"I don't," said Miguel. "They could hardly do anything at first without getting picked off with arrows. At least they have Colt revolvers now."

John nodded his head. He did not really believe there was anything to be afraid of. After all, their adjoining homesteads had always been quiet.

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