The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Do you get a weekly allowance? Do you get paid for doing chores? Do you have a job and get a paycheck? Even if you've gotten money as a gift, you know the power of money. You can buy so many things with it. You can also save it to buy something big. You can save it for an emergency. Deciding how to spend or save your money is important.

What about not spending your money? Could that be important and powerful, too? Maybe you've been in a store or restaurant that didn't treat you well. Did you say "I'll never shop here again"? Did you decide you would punish that business by not spending your money there? If you stopped spending your money at that place, you started your own boycott.

A boycott is a decision by a person or group of people to stop doing business somewhere. There are many reasons that people boycott something. Boycotts can be for political, religious, or economic reasons. Sometimes, though, they can be for moral reasons. One of the most famous boycotts in American history happened in Birmingham, Alabama, in the mid-1950s.

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