The Mystery of the Red Dandelions

In a moss-covered hollow log deep in the forest, the CEO of the Fairy Flower Brigade held a meeting. Pearl wore a shimmering white gown that resembled an upside-down lily. Her filmy white wings were studded with tiny crystals.

"I am happy to welcome you to your new job," said Pearl. "Soon you will be painting spring flowers."

The young fairies giggled. Would this be hard? After all, they still needed to learn their colors!

"I love flowers! I wonder what color I will get?" whispered a tiny fairy. She had almond-shaped purple eyes. Her name was Violet.

Pearl was about to explain how to dab the flowers with magical fairy paint when Buzz, the messenger bee, buzzed into the log with news.

"Pearl, we have a problem. The dew guns are clogged. We won't be able to shoot dew on the lawns tonight. Then the lawns will not sparkle in the morning," hummed the bee. He was an old bee with faded yellow stripes and a sagging stinger. Poor Buzz! His job was getting harder. Pearl looked thoughtful.

"I'd better check on this," she said. "Camille will hand out your paint cans."

A fairy with strawberry-blonde hair gently floated in front of Violet. Wisps of hair framed a delicate face that was suffused with a rosy blush. Her dress rippled with soft folds like a piece of peach taffy. She smiled. She had never spoken to the new fairies before! Violet looked up at her with sparkling eyes.

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