The Play at the PHC

Tim hurried down the hall where families were housed on the PHC. The letters stood for Permanent Human Colony; the PHC was on the bottom of the ocean in fairly shallow waters.

He leaned on the bell at Lori's apartment door, pressing it repeatedly. Was Lori ever going to answer? Tim tried to contain his annoyance. The paper in his hand slowly crumpled in his fingers as he waited at the door. He quickly pressed the bell two more times. Still no answer.

Tim was turning away to go back to his own apartment when he heard voices coming from the other direction. It was Lori with her mother.

"Hey, Tim," said Lori. "Were you looking for me?"

"Hi, Lori; hi, Mrs. Hammond," said Tim. "Yes, I was looking for you. Did you get the notice about the play?"

Lori's mom opened the door, and all three of them walked into the apartment. Lori walked over to her desk and waved a sheet of paper.

"I got it earlier today," she said. "What's wrong? Didn't you get the part you wanted?"

"I got it," said Tim with a grumble. "Did you see what our costumes are like?"

Lori shook her head and then looked at the back of the sheet. "What's wrong with them?"

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