Those Mighty, Mighty Ants!

Ants are amazing insects. They live in colonies. Each colony is a system of ants that work together and depend on one another in order to live. Each colony has worker ants, soldier ants, and one or two queen ants. They do different jobs. Each job is important. The colony would not do very well if a job did not get done. Every ant does its part. The worker ants must move the quickest. The worker ants are responsible for many jobs. Worker ants do not live very long. They collect food for the colony, they look after the queen's eggs, and they work hard to keep the nest and tunnels clean. If there are no soldier ants nearby, worker ants also protect the nest.

The nest may be made underground, beneath rocks, or inside old trees. It is common to see mounds of dirt, or ant hills, on the ground. These ant hills surround an entrance to the nest. As the ants tunnel through the ground or other material, some must be removed. The material is carried out of the tunnels and placed outside the entrance. This forms an ant hill.

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