Using an Alarm Clock

Everyone needs an alarm clock. There will always be mornings when you have to get up earlier than you want to. If you have a job, an alarm clock is very important. It is likely you will get fired if you don't get to work on time.

Setting an alarm clock isn't hard. Every alarm clock is different, but the steps are pretty much the same. First, figure out what you want to wake you up. Some people like to hear music when they wake up. Other people use the buzzer because they sleep through the music.

When you decide, push the button to set your choice. If you pick the radio, make sure you can hear a radio station and not static. If you can't get a radio station at your bedside, you will have to use the buzzer to wake you up.

It is important to make sure you have the right time on the clock. Also make sure you are using a.m. for the morning hours and p.m. for the afternoon hours. The alarm won't wake you up when you want it to if you don't have the right time on the clock.

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