Water Moves in a Circular Motion

Earth is called the blue planet. Looking at Earth from space, it looks a little like a blue marble with swirls of white. There are brown and green areas, too.

The brown and green areas are land. Growing trees and plants give the land the green color. The swirls of white are clouds in the air around Earth. And the beautiful blue color comes from Earth's oceans.

Water covers about 71% of Earth's surface. We could say that seven out of every ten parts of the Earth are covered with water! Water gives our planet color and life. Without water, Earth would be like Mars. Mars is a dry, dusty, lifeless planet.

Water is part of every living thing on Earth. About two-thirds of the human body is water! Plants, too, are mostly water. Some plants are 95% water! All living things must have water to live.

On Earth, you usually see water in its liquid state. Water exists on Earth in oceans, lakes, rivers, and puddles. Water in its solid state is called ice. You may see water in its solid state as snow, hail, or ice.

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