Weather Choices

Weatherperson's Day

Reading Comprehension for February 5

Colleen stared at the weatherman on TV. She watched his every move. Then she softly repeated some of the words he used.

Dad smiled as he watched her. Then he finally spoke. "What are you doing, Colleen?" he asked.

She smiled at him. "I think I would like to be a weatherperson when I grow up," she said. "I thought it might help if I watched the weatherman on the news."

"That's good thinking," said Dad. "I think you might find that being a weatherperson, or a meteorologist, is more than standing in front of a camera talking."

"Really?" she asked. "What kinds of things do they need to know?"

"A weatherperson learns all about the climate, for starters," said Dad. "Things like rainfall, temperatures, and humidity affect all things living in a certain area. Tell me, how does rainfall affect us?"

Colleen thought for a few minutes. "Well, if we don't get enough rain, the garden dries out, and the lawn turns brown. If we get too much, the rivers flood, and we have puddles of water everywhere. That means more mosquitoes in the summer. Yuck!"

"You get the idea," said Dad. "Weather people don't just need to know about rain and temperatures, they also learn about wind, clouds, and air pressure."

"What do wind and clouds have to do with weather, and what is air pressure?" asked Colleen as she cocked her head to the side.

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