What's Your Address?

"What's your address?" Miss Childs asked the new girl.

"313 Jackson Street, Miles City, Florida, 32008, United States, northern hemisphere, planet Earth, solar system," Nora answered.

The children in Miss Childs' third grade class giggled.

"That's a silly address," one girl said.

"That's not a real address," a boy said.

Many of the children nodded. They did not believe that Nora's address could be so long.

"Maybe you should not laugh, children," Miss Childs said. "Let's think about Nora's address together. We'll use what we have been learning in science. Please get out your science books."

The children put their science books on their desks. They turned to the chapter about astronomy.

"Okay," Miss Childs said. "What is your street address, Bobby?"

"It's 407 Beal Street," Bobby said.

"That is a lot like Nora's address, isn't it?"

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