You Like Him Best! Part 2

Kathy spent the next three weeks griping. She let everyone know how unhappy she was about their vacation plans.

"Boring old beach," she grumbled.

"Billy is such a spoilsport," she told her friends at school. "Who wants to go to the beach!"

"My mother and father hate me," she told her dog, Gruff. Gruff crawled under a chair. He didn't like it when Kathy was angry.

Every day Kathy had something to say about vacation.

Today when Kathy came home from school, something was different. There was a box wrapped in bright blue paper on her bed. It was tied with a blue and green bow.

"It's for you, Kathy," her mother said. "I know you are not happy about the vacation. Maybe this will help."

"Did you get a present for Billy?" Kathy wanted to know.

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