Your Bones

Have you ever wondered what your bones are good for? Why do we have bones, anyway? Your body needs help to stand nice and tall and to move. You can stand and move because you have bones and muscles. The bones of your body make up your skeleton. Your skeleton holds you up. Your bones also work with your muscles to help you move.

Have you ever used a hand puppet? It just lies there on the table until you put your hand inside it. Your hand makes the puppet move. Your hand inside the puppet gives the puppet support. That means your hand holds up the puppet. Your skeleton does the same things for your body. Your bones make up the skeletal system. Your body has several different systems. The muscular system is the system of muscles that make up your body.

Your bones help protect the organs inside your body. Look at a picture of a skeleton. Do you see the ribs? The rib bones protect the heart and lungs. Look at the head of the skeleton. Those hard bones that are tightly joined together all around the head protect the brain.

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