Richard Peck: First Chapter Is Last

Many authors hope the characters they create are memorable. Richard Peck created many memorable characters. One memorable character he created was Blossom Culp. Blossom is a young girl from a poor family. She makes her own rules for life.

Years later, Richard Peck created another memorable character. She has been described as larger than life. She is the star of A Long Way from Chicago and A Year Down Yonder. Her name is Grandma Dowdel. She lives in a very small town where everyone knows her. People do not know her first name. Even if they did, no one would dare to use it. To her grandchildren, she is as old as dirt. She has a fiery personality. She does not mind breaking the law unless she gets caught.

Richard Peck was born in 1934 in Illinois. His mother was a college graduate. His father's education stopped in sixth grade. Richard went to college and earned a degree in English. After college, he was drafted into the army. He was stationed in Germany. After getting out of the army, he earned a master's degree. Then he began teaching.

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