Write the Letter Used for Alliteration in Each Sentence
Write "Qu" Words Next to the Correct Objects for Regina the Quirky Queen
Write a Story About a Picture of Something You Like
Help Numu, Nemo's Cousin, Find Anemones With "Th" and "Sh" Words
Add Up Nelly's Gems From the Vowel "A" and "I" Worksheets
Find Short and Long Vowel "U" Words on Nellie's Last Hike
Find Short and Long Vowel "O" Sounds on Nellie the Gnome's Next Hike
Help Nellie the Gnome Find Objects on a Short and Long Vowel "I" Trail
Help Nellie the Gnome Find Short and Long "E" Words on Her Next Hike
Finish the Words By Filling in a Vowel From Jerry the Gnome's Bag
Help Nellie the Gnome Identify Short and Long Vowel "A" Words
Circle the Items Nellie the Gnome Takes on a Hike
Describe a Sport for Aliens with Multiple Arms, Legs, and Eyes
Help Two Kangaroos Decide if They Should Move to the Zoo: A Pros and Cons Activity
Describe What It's Like to Be One-Inch Tall: A Creative Writing Prompt
Write a Techno-Menu for a Digital Diner That Serves Robots
Writing Synonyms for Unfamiliar Words With Brian the Tyrannosaurus
Match Word Moles to the Correct Suffix Slug