Keeping Them Safe

Last summer it was very hot in Grace's hometown. Grace lives in the South where it's always hot in the summer, but last summer was a real scorcher! Temperatures rose above one hundred degrees for twelve days in a row.

It was too hot for many people to bear. Many older people had a very hard time in the heat. Because it was so hot, many people went to an emergency shelter. An emergency shelter is a place where people can go during a disaster. In Grace's town, the shelter was at her school's gym. They had a lot of small beds, chairs, and tables, and a good supply of food and things to drink. The shelter used air conditioning and fans to keep people cool.

Grace was worried about the people at the shelter. She hoped they were comfortable and safe. But However, Grace had another worry - what about pets? She was sure many people had pets that were suffering, too. Those poor cats and dogs must also be really, really hot. Grace decided to go to the animal shelter and ask.

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