Library Books, Library Card

"Do you have your library books?" Mom asked Sara.

"Yes, Mommy," Sara replied. She picked up her bright pink tote bag. Inside were the three books she had gotten from the library last week.

Sara and her mom went to the library every Wednesday afternoon. Sara would listen to a lady read stories for about 45 minutes. Her mom would look at many different books in the grown-up section. Then Mom would come back down to help Sara pick out three books. Sara would read them over and over for the next week.

Sara loved the library. It was quiet and peaceful. She loved books. There were so many! The ladies who read the stories were always fun to listen to. They made the stories exciting. They would make sounds and sometimes even dress up. Today, since the story was about a princess and a prince, all the kids made crowns to wear. The lady who was reading wore a tiara.

When Mom came to get Sara, she asked, "Do you want to get some books about kings and queens?"

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